Brewery Pickup - Half Dozen (May 12 - May 25)

Brewery Pickup - Half Dozen (May 12 - May 25)


Choose from:

Fritter - Apple & Earl Grey Fritter (v)

Twist - Cherry Candy Yum Yum (v)

Twist - Disco Stick (v) [vanilla + sprinkles]

Filled - Mothership (v) [doughnut vessel + cookies & “cream” + candy sequins]

Long Jane - Sexy Breakfast [maple + cereal]

Classic (v)

Prairieberry (v) [fruits + flowers]

Death by Chocolate (v) [chocolate + chocolate + chocolate]

Pineapple Express [pineapple + yum yum crumb + matcha + chocolate] contains walnuts

Cookie Beer [apple cider + snickerdoodle + cake batter + caramel]

Mamapolitan [chocolate + strawberry + vanilla + confetti cake]

Connor McDoughnut only available on Oilers Game Days

Our gift cards cannot be used online, however we are happy to take gift card payments for advance orders through email - send us a note with your date and your flavours!

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